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Our Solution

Knowledgeable W3Global Account managers are always eager to partner with you in understanding your staffing requirements.

Security Surveillance

We take the effort to holistically understand your initiative, timelines, existing team strength and knowledgebase and recommend…

Home Automation

Our highly skilled recruiting team would internally discuss the exact requirement and shortlist the candidates from our pool of known consultants with…

WiFi Solutions

We subject the short listed candidates to 2 rounds of rigorous screening. First screening is conducted by recruiting team. Second round is conducted by Account lead.


Upon passing the interview rounds with the Client Hiring Manager, the Candidate is then confirmed and deployed onto your project.


Upon passing the interview rounds with the Client Hiring Manager, the Candidate is then confirmed and deployed onto your project.


Our Services


CHAI (Customer Help & Assistance by INTESOL) is a new concept and online help...

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For any kind of SLA (Service Level Agreement) please contact with us...

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ERP SOFTWARE for various type of business...

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